Over a year ago, much of my outward appearance was very different from what it is now, but it is more than just my actual physical appearance, no...it definitely goes deeper than that. I have always struggled with the idea of modesty and have always known that my choice in dress has not always been wise and glorifying to God, yet I never seemed to actually care enough to change and struggled with what that meant as a believer. Last year, God began to do a work on my heart and change my priorities and desires. I no longer wanted to be a distraction in the world or a stumbling block to my fellow brothers in Christ but I now want to help point them to Christ and not to myself and my body, as well as be an example for other young ladies, including my teenage baby sister.
Along with my attire, I knew it was time to change some other things about my life, including some of my music, an area that I always held onto firmly not wanting to believe that God truly cared about that area of my life. I went through my Ipod and CD's and just started throwing things out and deleting items. I didn't even want to sell any of it, not wanting to spread and encourage any one else to listen to that music. Most of it was nothing too scandalous but some really needed to go. God changed my heart as He deepened my desire to glorify Him in all that I do.
Although I was always set apart in some ways, I can see even more so the process of sanctification in my life as He further consecrates me for His purposes. My outward actions, choices, and appearances changed not because I wanted to "look the part" of a Christ-follower but because inwardly my heart has changed by His grace and power and the overflow of my heart is such things.
"But thanks be to God, that you who were once slaves of sin have become obedient from the heart to the standard of teaching to which you were committed, and having been set free from sin, have become slaves of righteousness." ~ Romans 6:17-18
"If we live by the Spirit, let us also walk by the Spirit." ~ Galatians 5:25
Angela Lee
Along with my attire, I knew it was time to change some other things about my life, including some of my music, an area that I always held onto firmly not wanting to believe that God truly cared about that area of my life. I went through my Ipod and CD's and just started throwing things out and deleting items. I didn't even want to sell any of it, not wanting to spread and encourage any one else to listen to that music. Most of it was nothing too scandalous but some really needed to go. God changed my heart as He deepened my desire to glorify Him in all that I do.
Although I was always set apart in some ways, I can see even more so the process of sanctification in my life as He further consecrates me for His purposes. My outward actions, choices, and appearances changed not because I wanted to "look the part" of a Christ-follower but because inwardly my heart has changed by His grace and power and the overflow of my heart is such things.
"But thanks be to God, that you who were once slaves of sin have become obedient from the heart to the standard of teaching to which you were committed, and having been set free from sin, have become slaves of righteousness." ~ Romans 6:17-18
"If we live by the Spirit, let us also walk by the Spirit." ~ Galatians 5:25
Angela Lee
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